3 de junho de 2009

Até os soldados!

Australian soldiers reject Dutch food

Wednesday 03 June 2009

Australian soldiers serving with Dutch troops in Afghanistan have complained so much about the food on the Netherlands-run Tarin Kowt base that 10 special Australian cooks are being flown in, according to media reports on Wednesday.

The issue was even raised in the Australian parliament during a debate on defence spending. Dutch food is found by the Australians to be tasteless. According to Australian tv, food with a more Australian flavour and more barbecues will now be served up.

'The least they could expect when they are deployed for six months is that they can eat decent food,' senator David Johnston was reported as saying.

Air chief marshall Angus Houston said the Dutch-prepared food was generally nutritious, but was not as fresh as Australians were generally accustomed to in their diets, ABC reported.


4 comentários:

  1. Ahahah! Talvez se derem a comidinha holandesa aos talibãs acabem com a guerra :)... Mandem-nos a bomba atómica e a arma química, mas levem os cozinheiros holandeses, pel'amor d'Alá!!

  2. Normal... Tendo em conta que os holandeses se alimentam, praticamente, a sandes. Depois não é de admirar ser raro vermos alguém com excesso de peso! :)

  3. Phyxsius, concordo que se vêm bem menos obesos do que em Portugal (então no caso das crianças a diferença é gritante!). Daí a achar que eles fazem uma alimentação boa... lanche de batatas fritas com maionese é prato do dia, todos os dias; cerveja é ao meio litro, de cada vez; e os refrigerantes são consumidos como água! Eu acho que a grande diferença é que eles pedalam p'ra caraças! :)
