Congratulations, you're Elizabeth Bennet! Fiery, witty, and passionate, you always stand up for what you believe in and you love your family, no matter how embarassing they can be. You are never afraid to assert yourself or your own opinion, and you never let others dictate your actions. However, you are critical and tend to judge people too quickly, leading to unfortunate misconceptions and misunderstandings. As long as you reserve judgment, though, you can be very proud of yourself as being one of fiction's greatest heroines.
Which Character from Pride and Prejudice Are You?
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Finalmente descobri de onde conhecia o trombil do "teu" Mr. Darcy. Uma série qualquer que dava na SIC Mulher (acho) sobre espiões do MI5. Até me estava a bulir com os nervos não saber de onde conhecia a cara e (especialmente) a voz. Sim, tens razão nisso: a voz é um espectáculo. Quanto ao resto... pois já estamos conversadas :)))